Hello Friends, I’m Bridgette!

Hello friends, I’m Bridgette! I am the creator behind Bridgette’s Joy To Home. My passion lies in DIY projects and creating a comfortable living space. You will discover inspiration for cozy home decor, budget-friendly DIY ideas, seasonal decorations, and a glimpse into simple living. I invite you to join me on this journey and discover inspiration for your home, too.

A Little Bit About Me

I am a Texas girl at heart. I am also married to a coach, and we have two amazing daughters. Here’s a fun fact about us. My husband and I went to the same school and grew up in the same town, but we didn’t meet until after graduation. Our town used to be small, but it has since grown into a larger community. While I miss the small-town feel, I am grateful for the expanded options. Even with the changes, I still consider myself a small-town girl at heart.

My Passion In Sharing Bridgette’s Joy To Home

I absolutely love decorating and creating cozy and beautiful spaces that others can enjoy! Every project I take on has my personal touch and creativity, and I put my heart and soul into every detail. Whether it’s a simple DIY or a complete room makeover, my ultimate goal is to bring joy to others by sharing my passion for design. Additionally, you will discover inspiration for cozy home decor and cost-effective DIY ideas.

Other Interests

I absolutely love bringing joy and happiness to my home by reusing and repurposing items I already have! It’s so exciting to find classic pieces that are versatile and can be used for years, like a plain and simple vase. You can always switch up the flowers depending on the season, making it a great investment. I don’t want to spoil all my ideas just yet, but I’ll definitely be sharing them on my blog!

I also love to organize all the spaces, and I could talk about it all day long. Keeping things organized will ensure that the items are returned to their proper place.

As a mother of two daughters, I enjoy shopping for clothing, shoes, and handbags that match my taste. For my personal mom style, I prefer comfortable and cozy attire!

Traveling with my family is another favorite lifestyle interest of mine. We love going to the beach, where the calming atmosphere allows us to spend quality time together. It’s definitely one of our top vacation spots!

Final Thoughts

I’m excited to help you bring joy into your life and home journey! I’ll share tips and inspiration to help you create a cozy home and lifestyle. Let’s work together to cultivate joy and love in your heart and home. Thanks for taking the time to visit and letting me be a part of your journey!

You can find more home and lifestyle inspiration on my Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube.