Homemade Floral Potpourri

Homemade Floral Potpourri

Want to learn how to make homemade floral potpourri using an essential oil spray blend?

I wanted to share this simple potpourri recipe with you. I received some flowers on Valentine’s Day from my sweet girls. And I am one to definitely love fresh flowers! But after a week, they were starting to wilt.

I thought it would be fun to keep them a little longer. One way to do this would be to dry them out. I pulled the flowers and petals off the stems. I then put them in a small decorative bowl to allow them to dry out. You could also place the petals on a paper towel and allow them to dry too. Either way, it will take about 24 hours to dry out.

Lastly, I sprayed them with my own homemade essential oil blend. I made this blend with Lavender and Peppermint pure essential oils. Then just add water and you have a beautiful spray to add to your homemade floral potpourri. Of course, you can choose any blend of essential oils. I highly recommend choosing pure essential oils. This is where you get to be creative and choose your own blend of oils.

Now it’s your turn to make a floral potpourri and choose your favorite essential oils too!

Dried Floral Potpouri

This also allows me to bring natural aromatherapy into my home and enjoy my flowers a bit longer too. I hope you enjoyed my homemade potpourri recipe!

I get my essential oils here

Also, here are a few starter kit options for essential oils

Also, see my most recent Blog Post here