How To Simplify Your Home And Lifestyle With A Fresh Start

New Year Fresh Start

As we enter a feeling of too much clutter or the start of the new year, we are probably thinking about a fresh start and new beginnings. The holidays are over, decorations are put away, and you have a clean slate to start the new year. Whether you want to set new goals, explore your finances, establish a healthier lifestyle, or simply clear out the clutter and organize, these tips and ideas can help you achieve your goals at any time of the year. Now, let’s look at tips and ideas on how to achieve a fresh start!

See More Goal-Setting With Holiday Organizing Tips Here

Declutter, Simplify, and Organize

Decluttering and simplifying spaces that need it most will lead to a less stressful and clutter-free environment. To declutter your home, maybe you focus on your kitchen or a closet full of clothes. Donate or toss things you no longer need or use to create more space. If you need to purchase an item, evaluate it and ensure it is a need. I recommend following ONE IN AND ONE OUT RULE, where you get rid of one item when you bring in a new item. For example, if you get a new pan to replace an old one, donate or toss the old one depending on its condition and use. Similarly, if you buy a new pair of jeans, donate a pair of jeans you no longer need or wear. 

Then, of course, don’t forget to organize and tidy the spaces that need it, too. You may choose to organize a few spaces or your entire home. Remember to focus on the areas that need it most. These simple tips will help you achieve a simplified and organized home. 

See more kitchen organizing tips here. 

Reviewing Our Finances

One area we can focus on is reviewing our finances. To start, we can reflect on the past year and think about how you did on your budget. Did you stay on track or spend too much? What areas can you improve to help you stay within your budget? A budget tracker is a great tool to help us achieve our budget goals. I created my own spreadsheet on Google Docs, allowing me to track our daily spending. Giving our finances a fresh start will help us achieve financial freedom and worry less.

Let’s look at examples of how we can reduce our budget.

  • Groceries

The first category I think of is groceries. First and always, make a list and stick to it. If you are one of those who have trouble sticking to your list, I would then recommend using grocery pick-up. This is my chosen method, and it helps me stay within our budget for a family of four. Of course, choose the method that works best for you. 

  • Subscriptions

Next, we can look at all our subscriptions. Are there any that you could do without? Cable is the first subscription thing that comes to mind, and we all know that getting rid of cable can save lots of money. There are many streaming apps you can choose from. After reviewing them, pick subscriptions that best fit your needs. Then, you will be happy to see more savings in your bank account!

  • Eating Out and Shopping Apps

Another category is eating out and shopping apps. These apps offer convenience and make it really easy to order from. After all, I do enjoy a Starbucks Chai Latte or Matcha Latte. However, remembering to purchase within the budget is essential to having these apps. 

  • Other Ways To Save Money

Lastly, think about other ways you can save money. Start by looking for a sale or coupon code when purchasing an item. If you don’t see a savings discount, I would then recommend searching online and comparing prices to find the lowest price. Finding ways to spend less and save every dollar definitely helps throughout our finance journey.

  • Cash-Back Apps

I enjoy using Cash-Back apps like Fetch and Rakuten, which are also great for getting extra dollars back.  

Join me and save money with me on Fetch here!

Join me and save money with me on Rakuten here!

Goal Setting Tips And Ideas

Setting goals is an important idea we commonly also focus on at the beginning of the year. As a routine, my husband and I sit down together and review our goals for the year. Let’s look at some examples of goals that you may be thinking of. 

  • Home update projects or home renovations
  • Planning a much-needed vacation
  • Wedding
  • Starting a family/ New baby needs
  • Purchasing a new car 
  • Buying a new home – I know this is a big one!

First, we will look at the budget and see how we can achieve this goal. Maybe you already have the finances available to achieve your project. Or maybe you need to save more, too. Finding ways to cut back on spending and save more will help us accomplish our goals. I recommend getting out a piece of paper or notebook and analyzing how much you can save each month. Writing on paper helps us to be motivated and see the reality of what we can do and allows us to go back and look and remember what we can save. 

Another goal is to evaluate our health and lifestyle. One way to achieve this is to develop better eating habits and exercise, which can motivate and make us feel better overall. Eating healthy and well-balanced foods, maintaining exercise, and taking care of our health can have a beautiful and motivating impact on our lifestyle and well-being. This will also lead to a more fulfilled and happy life, too.

These are just a few ideas on goals that you may be thinking of. Remember, goal-setting helps us to make our dreams a reality!

Sharing My Final Fresh Start To A New Year Thoughts

You may have many ideas or just a few goals you may want to achieve this year.

Decluttering, simplifying, and organizing can create a more clutter-free and less stressful environment. You will definitely be able to locate things more easily, too.

Reviewing your finances and setting a budget will lead to a financially stable lifestyle.

Goal setting helps us to make a plan and see how we can accomplish these goals. Remember to take small steps and stay positive, and when you set your mind to it, you can achieve your goals!

Simplify With A Fresh Start

See More Goal-Setting With Holiday Organizing Tips Here

Thank you for visiting, and I hope I have inspired you to find inspiring ideas for your home, too. You can find more inspiration for your home and lifestyle on my Pinterest and Instagram.

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