Are you ready to start organizing your home! I have been organizing all the spaces in our home for many years now. I love to keep spaces tidy and neat when I can. Organizing can be fun and once you start, it might be hard to stop! I will share what I have learned to help our home stay organized and I hope you will find inspiration for your home and family too.

How To Create A Simple Coffee Bar At Home

Home Coffee Bar Ideas

Are you ready to sit down and have a cup of coffee or maybe some tea? Our home has a special place where we enjoy coffee, iced lattes, and teas. I had dreamed of having a chic and simple coffee bar with a cozy seating area in our dining room. We already had a seating…

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How To Create An Organized Home Year-Round

Organized Home

Have you ever wished for an organized home all year round? Well, I’m here to help you achieve this goal. I know this can be an overwhelming task to accomplish, but, I’m here to help you purge, organize, and tidy all the spaces! You can then enjoy a more peaceful and clutter-free home. I’m sure…

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Ways To Stay Organized This Holiday Season

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The holiday season can sometimes be chaotic and busy for many of us. However, it doesn’t have to be either of these! To stay organized this holiday season, start early, plan ahead, set a budget, and organize spaces that need it. Additionally, remember to find time to slow down and relax. Slowing down will help…

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A More Organized Kitchen With These Simple Tidy Tips

Kitchen Organizing

Well, it’s that time of year when we like to purge, organize, and tidy all the spaces! Let’s start with an organized kitchen. We all know the kitchen is the heart of the home. After all, we spend days and hours in our kitchen space. When we have an organized kitchen, it makes all the…

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